Finding the Right Fit

Once again international school recruitment time is here. Jobs are being posted at schools around the world (including YIS) and people are already talking about new adventures on the horizon. To be honest, even if I’m staying at the same school, this is my favorite time of year. I love imagining the possibilities of a new school, a…

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A New Adventure Begins (soon)

One of the most exciting things about teaching in international schools is the possibility of teaching anywhere in the world. Every year around this time (recruiting season begins in November and continues all the way through the following spring) international teachers around the world are excitedly taking about potential job opportunities in different countries and…

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The World of International Schools

When I tell people back home in the US that I’m teaching in Thailand, they usually assume I teach English to Thai children. When I try to explain by saying “no, I teach at an international school”, I’m often met with a blank stare. Understandable enough – before moving overseas, I never realized that there…

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