Sharing Student Learning Through Social Media


We’ve all had the experience of settling an argument in a restaurant with a quick Wikipedia search, or navigating around a new city with Google Maps, but all too often our use of technology in the classroom is disconnected from these types of real-world uses. However, when we learn with technology the way we live with technology, the classroom can be just as relevant and engaging as our everyday digital interactions. How can we make the connection between our real-life experiences and our classroom learning environment so that we can better prepare our students to excel in this dynamic and interconnected world?

In this pre-conference, participants will be actively engaged in deepening their understanding of the SAMR and TPACK models of curriculum development, so that they have the foundation for effectively and efficiently using technology in their classroom. Hands-on exploration of tools for creating, capturing and curating student learning (like Instagram, blogs, Flipboard, Snapchat, Vine, and Twitter) will be embedded throughout our time together so that participants walk away with new tools and techniques they can use on Monday.

In your classroom, do you:

  • help students build an authentic audience by creating connections with other classrooms and learners around the world so that their learning is shared with an audience who actively participates in a conversation about their learning?
  • encourage students to demonstrate their understanding by creating tutorials (in an app like Explain Everything) and then share those tutorials in an appropriate space, like, where your students are adding value and their experience to an existing global resource?
  • curate resources with other teachers and your students using a tool like Flipboard to create a dynamic, constantly updated, relevant and developmentally appropriate “textbook” for your classroom?
  • harness the potential of social media environments by creating collaborative hashtags to connect and share learning with others through a variety of tools like Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter?
  • allow students to create, develop and refine their online presence (or “brand”) through ongoing conversations about digital citizenship and the creation of a central portal for their learning with tools like blogs or websites?


Participants will:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of the SAMR and TPACK models for curriculum development.
  • Explore examples of sharing student learning through technology from a variety of international schools.
  • Unpack how to apply and manage these kinds of learning experiences in the classroom with the tools you have access to (like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Flipboard, and Snapchat);
  • Learn how to develop creativity and innovation through the use of technology tools through hands on experiences.
  • develop strategies to effectively use social media in the classroom that both engages students and demonstrates responsible use (including digital citizenship);
  • create an action plan (or revise a unit or lesson plan) to implement authentic and real world technology tools.


Today’s Agenda

Time Topic Resources
8:30 – 9:00 Welcome & Warm up Activity 1: Elevator Pitch Introductions
Activity 2: Four CornersAdd your burning questions here
9:00 – 10:00 Exploring Innovation & Creativity:

What are the social media tools we can use?

Video: Extracurricular Empowerment

Activity 3: Exploring Examples of Innovation & Creativity

  1. Vine
  2. YouTube
  3. Twitter
  4. Facebook
  5. Instagram
  6. Snapchat
  7. Flipboard

Activity 4: Document your thinking: see, think, wonder

Activity 5: Brainstorm: What connections do you see? Padlet

Activity 6: Reflection: What are your priorities?

Video: The Taste Gap

Articles you may wish to explore:

10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:30 Laying the Foundations for Success Activity 7: Find your own SAMR infographic

Classroom Examples from COETAIL participants

Activity 8: Your Design Process

Optional Activities:
Understanding SAMR, TPACK & the Design Cycle

11:30 – 12:30 Social Media Challenges Activity 9: Social Media Challenges

(Challenges created by Tosca Killoran, shared with permission)

Activity 10: Begin your (mini) unit planner

Additional Resources

Video: How to Be Creative

Activity 11: Compass Points

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 2:00 One more challenge! Activity 12: Review Tagboard

Activity 13: ZPD Reflection

2:00 – 2:45 Creating Your Pitch Activity 14: Concentric Circles

Activity 15: Complete your (mini) unit planner

Activity 16: Share Your Pitch

Video: How to start a movement

2:45 – 3:15 Coffee Break
3:15 – 4:30 Share & reflect Activity 16: Key Takeaways 3 Ways

Feedback survey