The Teacher-Facilitator Partnership
Presented by Kim Cofino and Chrissy Hellyer at:
- ASB Unplugged in Mumbai, India, February 2010
- EARCOS Teacher’s Conference in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, March 2011
Whether your school has already gone 1:1 or you’re just thinking about it, changing classroom practice doesn’t end with the distribution of hardware and software. Building and sustaining 21st century teaching and learning practices requires a new kind of support structure, focusing on human relationships and pedagogy. Many schools label this position as a Technology Facilitator, but there are a surprising number that don’t yet see the need for this role. It is the partnership between the teacher and facilitator that brings out the full potential of any laptop program.
In this session, Chrissy Hellyer (grade 5 classroom teacher) and Kim Cofino (Technology and Learning Coordinator) will describe and share examples of their successful Teacher-Facilitator partnership at the International School Bangkok (and beyond). Chrissy will offer insights, examples and resources from the perspective of the practicing classroom teacher. Kim will offer strategies, processes and resources from the perspective of the technology facilitator.
This presentation was also featured in the K12Online 2011 Conference in the Team Captains strand.
Presentation Links & Resources
Please feel free to utilize and share any of our resources with your teachers and staff!
Please note that this is only a beginning – please feel free to add any tools or resources that you have found to be helpful (more are being created every single day!).
This page is organized according to the three sections of the presentation (why, how, what).
Blog Posts:
- Getting to Know You (why the facilitator needs to be in the classroom)
- Getting to Know You, Part 2: The Importance of Teams
- ISB21 Wiki
- Room231’s Class Blog
- Room202’s Class Blog
Blog Posts:
- Creating a Culture of Collaboration Through Technology Integration (why schools need Technology Facilitators)
- MKIS Tech Integration Framework
- Going Full Circle
- Facilitator, Coach or Coordinator?
- The Perfect Match: Technology Integration & Understanding By Design
- Creating Independent Learners: The MYP Technology Design Cycle
Blog Posts:
- Lessons Learned: Tips for New Technology Facilitators
- Shared Expectations
- We Are All Technology Teachers
- The Technology Toolbox
Make Connections
Sample Projects
- Greetings from the World
- You Think ideas
- Raise Your Voice!
- World Languages 21st Century Collaboration & Conversation
- Around The World with 80 Schools
- Connecting Across Continents Resources (another wiki of globally collaborative project resources)