Parenting in a Digital World


An introduction to the ways that students are learning in the digital world, how parents can engage and support their children in this environment, and what this means for decision making at home. We will explore research from MIT, as well as key highlights from the big thinkers in 21st century learning, to discover how and why learning may look differently today than it did when we were in school.

This session has been developed and will be facilitated by:



Trends & Research

Exploring Scenarios

Project Examples

Lower Elementary:

Upper Elementary:

Middle School:

High School:

Whole School:

  • #yisreadseverywhere – a hashtag to promote a love of reading coordinated by English HOD, Cari Barbour
  • #yisoneschool – a hashtag to capture a two day learning event with all MS students at YIS
  • @nistschool – central hub for all tweets from NIST International School

Even more resources, regularly updated
View my Flipboard Magazine.