Keynote: The Power of Audience
We know that students are spending lots of time on social media: watching, commenting, sharing, and creating. Often, we tend to view this as “wasted time”, but in looking closer at the skills, habits and dispositions it takes to be a successful creator in social media spaces, we can see that this is a great space for learning.
Successful social media content creators are building audience, community and influence on a global scale – with tools that our students have at their fingertips: an internet connection and a laptop. Can we, as educators, tap into these kind of engaging environments to help our students build audience, and influence, around ideas that matter, in the spaces they enjoy?
These are the videos I mentioned but didn’t show in the presentation:
- How to Be Creative (PBS OffBook)
- The Gap (Ira Glass)
- Obvious to You, Amazing to Others (Derek Sivers)
Workshop 2: Getting Started: First Steps to Transformative Learning
Transforming student learning through technology is an exciting, but challenging, goal for many teachers. We want to try new things in our classrooms, but often struggle to know where to start, or how to effectively implement these new tools. This session will explore three key frameworks for successful integration of technology in a creative and innovative way without chasing after the latest fads.
Combining the SAMR model (substitution, augmentation, modification, redefinition), TPACK (technological, pedagogical and content knowledge), and the Design Cycle (investigate, plan, create, evaluate), provides a clear structure for designing and implementing exciting and innovative learning experiences in the classroom.
Part 1: Pedagogy
- Activity: Begin to SAMR-ize a Unit!
- Optional Activity: SAMR Self-Assessment
- Activity: Visible Thinking Routine: Connect, Extend, Challenge
SAMR & TPACK Resources
- The Technology Integration Matrix
- Technology Integration Matrix Teacher Indicators
- Technology Integration Matrix Student Indicators
- TIM Setting Indicators
- TIM Summary of Indicators
- 4 Things Transformational Teachers Do
- Upgrading Blogs Through the Lens of SAMR
- Using SAMR to Teach Above the Line
Part 2: Exploring Examples
Activity: SAMR Evaluation / Reflection
Lower Elementary:
- Redefining Redefinition by Ms. Pana
- Tami Ruebush: Flipped Math in Gr 1
Upper Elementary:
- Reid Wilson: Minecraft in the Classroom
- Kara Cole: Minecraft in Gr5
- Angela Spitzman: TourBuilder for Literature Circles
Middle School:
- Bringing the Art Show to Life by Laura
- Mapping & Understanding Our Earth (Grade 8 Science)
High School:
- Ange Maloney Blended Learning in Math
- Deana Greig: Animated GIFs for Learning (in PE)
- David Cole: GIFs for Learning
Whole School
- Dave Beaty – Social Media Education for the School Community
- Shary – Professional Learning for a whole School Community
More Transformative Project Examples
- Getting to R (organized by the types of projects)
Activity: Visible Thinking Routine: See, Think, Wonder
Part 3: Getting Started
- Activity: Complete SAMR-ize a Unit!
- Activity: Visible Thinking Routine: Compass Points
Workshop 3: Connecting Classrooms Across Continents
Ready to “flatten” your classroom walls? Looking to take web 2.0 tools to the next level by developing exciting and authentic projects that allow your students to interact with partners around the world? It may be time to tackle a globally collaborative project in your classroom!
Globally collaborative projects are an exciting way to engage your students in authentic and meaningful learning across cultures and continents. Successfully combining a variety of web 2.0 tools (like blogs, wikis, Skype, IM, social networks, etc) can remove the barriers of time and distance to connect your class with others around the world. Not only do students love to meet their far-flung peers, but learning to collaborate and create in an entirely online and inter-cultural environment will clearly be a critical skill for their future.
Learn how to develop a successful global project – from design and planning to implementation and product, as well as see examples of engaging projects from all grade levels. Tips for success based on learning experiences from past global collaborations, along with resources and samples of current globally collaborative projects will be shared. You can find all the resources for this session at the workshop wiki here.
Other PD Opportunities with Kim
- Eduro Learning Institutes (more in Asia to be announced soon)
- Certificate of Educational Technology and Information Literacy (COETAIL)
- Eduro Learning courses – one-off 6-week courses
- Learning2 Conference – the best education & technology conference in Asia!