The 21st Century Classroom: Session 1


8:30 – 8:50 Introductions & Warm-up

8:50 – 9:10: Jigsaw 1
In groups, please read and discuss the appropriate article. What are the big ideas/key points that you can take away from this reading?

  1. Howard Rheingold on How the Five Web Literacies are Becoming Essential Survival Skillsr
  2. Coincidence or Connection? by Chris Betcher
  3. The SAMR Model by Maggie Hos-McGrain
  4. Rigor Redefined
  5. World Without Walls: Learning Well With Others by Will Richardson
  6. Q&A With the Authors of A New Culture of Learning by Steve Denning, Forbes
  7. Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age by George Siemens
  8. Brave New World of Digital Intimacy by Clive Thompson
  9. The Future of Reading and Writing is Collaborative by Heather Chaplin
  10. Collaborative Learning for the Digital Age by Cathy N Davidson
  11. Dawn of the New Literacies, ASCD
  12. Michael Wesh: It’s a Pull, Pull World, THE Journal
  13. The Long Tail, in a nutshell by Chris Anderson
  14. The Single Best Idea for Reforming K-12 Education by Steve Denning, Forbes
  15. A Communique from the Horizon Report Retreat, January 2012
  16. The World Is Open, Q&A with author Curtis Bonk
  17. Mrs Emery Connects by Veronica Emery
  18. K12 Horizon Report 2011
  19. Minds on Fire: Open Education, The Long Tail, and Learning 2.0 by John Seely Brown and Richard P. Adler
  20. Living and Learning with New Media
  21. New Media Literacies Play Framework
  22. Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy by Andrew Churches
  23. Technology Integration Matrix & Summary of Indicators
  24. Hanging Out, Messing Around & Geeking Out by Mimi Ito
  25. Universities Reshaping Education on the Web (NY Times)
  26. Why Curation Will Transform Education
  27. Education Needs a Digital Age Makeover a NY Times review of Now You See It (by Cathy N Davidson)

Group Discussion Notes

9:10 – 9:45: Jigsaw 2
In your new groups, please report back on the article you read and discuss:

  • Are there any similarities?
  • How do these big ideas apply to education?
  • What do these connections make you think about?

9:45 – 10:15: Whole group discussion (document throughlines)