I just started a new project with our sixth grade science teacher, Maria. The students were just about to start a unit on human body systems using a pre-designed resource called Code Blue from Highsmith. Maria wanted to provide a way for the students to effectively share their knowledge using the jigsaw method within class, but also to be able to share what they learned across all 3 blocks of science classes. So we decided to have the students develop a wiki, this way the information could be viewed and edited by all sixth grade students at any time.
In each individual class, students were put into a specialist group based on a human body system (e.g. cardiologists) and a clinic group comprised of a specialist from each body system. Each student is a specialist doctor in their clinic, and therefore responsible for teaching the other members of the clinic about their specialty.
Students first worked within their specialist groups to learn about their human body system and create a specialist page. The great thing about these specialist pages is that we had only one cardiologist page for all 3 science blocks. This was an excellent way for students in each class to read and see what the other classes posted. We also took advantage of the “discussion” feature to allow students to communicate about their specialist page, even though they are never in science class at the same time. It was amazing to see how much they learned from each other and how careful they work to correct each other’s mistakes to ensure the accuracy of the entire page. This was also a great way to encourage more in-depth study into the topic because each student had to build off of the work from all other students in all other classes – since their were 9 students working on each page instead of just 3.
Once the specialist pages were completed, we had the students shift groups into their clinics to create their clinic page. The had created individual logos on poster-board in the classroom several weeks ago, so we took this opportunity to use the digital camera and introduce basic Photoshop skills so they could add their logos to their clinic pages. On each clinic page, each specialist doctor posted a short (fictional) bio about their career as a doctor. (I would have loved to have each student take and upload a picture of themselves with their bios, but I didn’t want to put student images online).
Now students will use these spaces as a study guide for their “Medical Exam” in which every student in the class must demonstrate understanding of all body systems.
Next, each clinic will receive a patient consultation chart describing a patient with a medical problem. The clinics will have to work as a group to diagnose the patient and prescribe actions to ensure recovery. They will post this information as an additional page on their wiki.
As always, I was so impressed at how quickly the students picked up the skills required to successfully create their wiki. I love watching them teach each other as they learn new things and seeing the excitement on their face when they successfully try new things. This is what it’s all about!
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