I am still somewhat flabbergasted (and quite flattered) that Steve Hargadon asked to interview me for the Infinite Thinking blog. Last week he came across some of the projects I posed on the examples of educational wikis page on Wikispaces and asked me (me!) for an audio interview. Wow! Needless to say, I am so flattered to have been been asked to share my work with a wider audience. Check out the interview on Infinite Thinking.
In case you’re interested, this lovely picture of me in a cow suit was taken during Fasching in Munich (the German version of Carnival). The students brought in a variety of costumes and then voted on which teachers would wear which costume (they had to pay for each vote and the money went to a local charity). I quite enjoyed the cow – it was so cozy and comfortable that I was tempted to take it home at the end of the day :)
Hey Kim,
I’m way behind on reading my RSS feeds, but I heard about your interview from a colleague here who had read it– he sent me a note asking if I knew you. Way to go!
Hey Kimbo,
Am listening to your voice right now on your interview. Wow, girl! You inspire me to be keep growing and developing as a teacher. I so wish we were working together more closely. Way to go my friend!
Thanks Susan and Tammy!
I’m very excited about the whole thing – I’m having so much fun at work this year!