I just spent an hour or so reorganizing the Tech in the Middle wiki to make it more of the kind of resource I know I need (and therefore, I hope, others may need as well). The site is now set up in 2 main categories: Projects and Links. Of course I still have my growing Why Integrate Tech? section since that continues to be a bone of contention no matter how much progress I make with individual teachers. And, since everyone always wants to know the story behind a website, I added an About section. Eventually, I would also like to have a Contributors page where all of the teachers that are contributing to this project can share a bit about themselves. So please, feel free to join the space and add your two cents! Sharing and collaborating is what it’s all about.
In the projects section, I would like to include examples of successful tech integration projects at the middle school level along with the supporting materials (websites, handouts, job aids, whatever teachers use to facilitate that project). I’m currently working on getting all of my resources uploaded, so you will only find links to the completed projects for now.
In the links section, I’m posting all the links that I’ve actually looked at, tested, and found to be helpful or useful in the process of integrating technology at the middle school level. I’m trying to include at least a short description of every link and why it might be useful so that teachers don’t have to spend the time exploring the site on their own, only to find out that it’s not what they need.
I am so excited about the potential of this project! I can’t wait to share successful ideas with other international school teachers and collaborate on new ones!