I can’t believe it’s already almost the end of January 2018! Time is flying by so fast, and I’m so busy with projects for Eduro (along with my own personal consulting), that I haven’t been doing a very good job of sharing all that great work here on my own blog.
Our First Book: Your Connected Classroom
In fact, one of the things I’m most proud of from last year is that we published our very first book: Your Connected Classroom: A Practical Guide for Teachers. This book marks the beginning of our Eduro Press publishing branch (!), which has become a focus for me within the company. It turns out I like writing! And I have a lot to say. Surprise, surprise.
My Next Big Project
So, in case you missed my recent YouTube live event, I shared a bit about my next big upcoming project:
Spoiler Alert: I’m super excited to now be working on our second book, which will be called something along the lines of: Your Coaching Journey: A Practical Guide for Aspiring and Experienced Learning Coaches. And I’d love to highlight the amazing experience of the experienced and aspiring coaches in my personal learning network!
NEW: Book and Online Course: All About Coaching
I’m excited about this for so many reasons, but mostly because I absolutely love learning and talking (and I guess writing) about coaching. There’s a reason this blog is titled “Always Learning” and it’s pretty much because I feel like that’s what I do every day. So writing this book is going to be a great way for me to not only continue to consolidate my own thinking, but also to learn from all of you!
In traditional “more work Kimbo” style, this book is not the only thing I’m working on. I also would like to create a short (one-week) online course to complement the book. Both the book and the online course will be shorter, simplified versions of our current Coaching: From Theory to Practice 6-week course, and our The Coach 1-academic-year-long Microcredential (which, by the way, has our first cohort of learners right now and is totally awesome!). These are going to be great pathways for teachers and coaches that want to learn more about coaching, but might not be ready yet to take the leap into a 6-week or year-long course.
What’s YOUR best coaching advice?
In developing these two new products, I’d love to feature YOU! Please, let me know what you would be interested in! You could fill out this 5-10 minute survey for me, or you could just respond in the comments on this blog post:
- What are some of the biggest lessons you’ve learned as a coach?
- What are some things you wish you had known before you became a coach?
- What would you like to see in a course designed for coaches by coaches?
Right now, I’m thinking some key themes will be:
- Defining Your Role
- Coaching In Practice
- Tips for a Successful Coaching Conversation
- Spreading the Coaching Love
- Essential Skills for Coaches
What are YOUR coaching questions?
As part of the development of this book and online course, I’m going to continue my YouTube live events (but I think we’re going to move them back to Facebook) and dig a little bit deeper into my Top 5 Strategies for Your Coaching Toolkit each week.
We’re also going to include a FB live session where I just answer your questions about coaching. So, if there’s something you’d like to hear me talk about, please let me know! You can ask a question in the comments here, on the YT video, on our FB page, via Twitter or Instagram – basically I want to hear from you!
- Vibrant Hot Air Balloons by Nicolas Raymond, CC licensed on Flickr
- Cradle of Stars by Scott Cresswell, CC licensed on Flickr
Kim, I feel so fortunate to be learning from you and those in your PLN. As an emerging coach, connecting and learning from global leaders in tech integration, like Jeff, Chrissy and yourself have been invaluable. A highlight of the microcredential course has been your videos and writings, along with other expert resources you have curated, so I am glad to hear this has become a focus for you! Above you asked, “What are your coaching questions?”. I would like to hear more about the coaching conversation and hear coaches share their experiences in various settings and situations.