What is Web 2.0?

I see this term everywhere, and I understand what it means, but something prompted me to do a little research this weekend. I found this article, this one, this one, and of course the Wikipedia entry. Although not all of them are entirely enthusiastic about the term Web 2.0 (and they focus more on the…

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Why I love RSS

Lucky for me, I have a great friend who is currently working on her PhD in Information Science. She is always thinking about all sorts of interesting technology things, which often helps me sort through my own thoughts. Lisa’s post made me think about the constant challenge I used to face trying to find time…

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Why Blog?

I always seem to find useful resources a moment too late… But, that’s OK, because I know I can use them again in the future. This time around, I’m wishing I had read Mike Hetherington’s posting about the benefits of student blogging before I made my presentation yesterday. I did mention almost all of the…

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During the PD day yesterday, I also had a short chat with my IT Coordinator about George Lucas’s educational foundation, Edutopia . I had actually tried to buy their book while I was home this summer, but the shipment was delayed so long that I had to cancel. I’m so glad he brought it up…

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PD Day

Yesterday I had the pleasure of presenting a session on Blogging Across the Curriculum (still trying to figure out how to post a copy here since the file is so big…) at school. Even though this technology is so new to me, it has become so obvious that we can all use it in our…

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