
Eduro Learning
CEO & Co-Founder | August 2015 – Present
Develop and direct vision and strategic planning for our educational technology consulting company, focused on professional development for teachers and instructional coaches.
Lead and manage our small business team across 6 time zones, with employees in four different countries. Serve as mentor and course facilitator for online courses for teachers, instructional coaches, and school leaders.
NIST International School
Consultant-in-Residence | August 2015 – June 2017
Developed the technology instructional coaching program from K-12 as in-house consultant.
Guided technology instructional coaches in the development and refinement of technology for learning and 1:1 student laptop program. Worked closely with leadership team to develop vision of technology for learning, as well as the use of social media for school community connections.

Yokohama International School, Japan
Technology and Learning Coach | August 2010 – June 2015
Collaborated with school-wide administration and all stakeholders groups to successfully design and implement our Connected Learning Community (1:1 program). Developed and shared YIS IT/Library Standards in conjunction with stakeholders from all division levels. Coordinated and led technology-focused professional development opportunities for teachers at the secondary level on a regular basis.
International School Bangkok, Thailand
21st Century Literacy Specialist | August 2007 – June 2010
Coordinated and facilitated the integration of essential 21st Century Literacy skills across all six elementary grade levels, serving over 700 students and 70 teachers. Co-planned and co-taught project-based units of inquiry with classroom teachers to embed authentic use of technology in the natural learning environment via the use of laptops.

Mont’Kiara International School, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Middle School Technology Facilitator | August 2005 – June 2007
Independently wrote, delivered and evaluated IT curriculum for all middle school students. Coordinated the curricular integration of IT for grades 6-8 by co-planning, teaching, and assessing units of core-curriculum work. Utilized multimedia technology to enhance learning through a project-based, differentiated approach taking into consideration multiple intelligences and learning styles.
Munich International School, Germany
Middle School Academic IT Coordinator | August 2001 – July 2005
Taught all IT courses for grades 5-8, in both MYP and PYP Programs. Coordinated the curricular integration of IT for grades 5-8. Facilitated use of IT equipment for teachers and students within the natural learning environment.

Master of Education, Curriculum, and Instruction with Specialization in Multicultural Education
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA | August 2003
State of Virginia Teacher Certification: Elementary Classroom PK-6, History and Social Sciences 6-12
George Mason University, FAST TRAIN PROGRAM, Fairfax, VA, USA | July 2003
Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude: Double Major in History and Political Science, Minor in International Studies
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA | May 1999
Certificate of Educational Technology and Information Literacy
Buffalo State, State University of New York (SUNY), Bangkok Cohort | August 2010
Certificate of Educational Leadership
Buffalo State, State University of New York (SUNY), Kuala Lumpur Cohort | August 2007